“To educate, inspire and encourage woman to be the best version of themselves possible and support them on their own personal journey to wellness…”
– Kathryn Chandler
Kathryn is an IIN Holistic Health Coach & Wellness Blogger. We had the chance to sit down and ask her a few questions about her journey through health, wellness, nutrition and how she empowers everyday women through these channels.
We would love to know a little bit about you, please tell me what drives you?
I have experienced many health challenges in my life and through my own healing process I discovered so many amazing resources and tools that have really helped me to turn my life around in a very positive way. I know that many women are facing similar challenges and I desperately wanted to help them and share my experience and knowledge, so I became a certified Holistic Health Coach and Wellness Blogger. My mantra is to educate, inspire and encourage women to be the best version of themselves possible, while supporting them on their own wellness path. I am so driven and passionate about what I do and I love that through my work I am able to help others. For me, health is a continual journey of learning and experimentation. Each new client brings a unique opportunity for me to extend my knowledge even further and constantly grow my experience. After years of struggling with my own health issues I can really relate to my clients on a very personal level. The healing process is gradual and at times it can be really challenging. It can take time for the body to find its natural rhythm and balance again and my role in this is to be there to guide my clients on their health journey and support them in the very best way possible.
You are a Mumma of a gorgeous little bub, what has been the most challenging thing about motherhood?
I must admit that I have had a very blissful journey into motherhood. I had a very enjoyable pregnancy without any complications and giving birth was much easier than I had imagined possible. Our son Gabriel is simply the dream baby, he is extremely happy, healthy and one very content little bubba. Becoming a mother has honestly been the most amazing experience in my life. The one thing that I have found to be a challenge is remembering to take time out just for me. I am highly motivated and very driven and often I find that instead of having a rest when bubba has a sleep during the day I’ll think… “Awesome! Now I can dive into work, clean the whole house, prepare dinner for tonight and hopefully fit in a quick workout” and by the time bubba wakes up I’ll be feeling totally exhausted and think “Why didn’t I just have a power nap while I had the chance?!” If I could give one word of advice to new Mumma’s I would say to make rest a priority! Waking up every 3-4 hours during the night and breast-feeding like I did can really drain your energy. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to be “perfect” or achieve the impossible because if you do you can easily become burnt out. Simply enjoy every single moment with your bubba and rest every chance you get so you can have the energy to be the best version of yourself possible.
A question we must ask is what are your reasons for using Certified Organic beauty products?
This is a topic I am really passionate about promoting and I write about it frequently on my blog. Most of the cosmetics we see on the shelves are laden with toxic chemicals that are really harmful to our bodies, the environment and sadly many are still tested on animals. For these reasons I consciously choose to use products that are Certified Organic, Eco-Friendly and Cruelty Free. What we put onto our skin gets absorbed straight into our bloodstream and once it’s there our liver has to do some serious hard work to remove it from our system. These toxins can disrupt our hormones and irritate our skin. Unfortunately, just because the label says “Natural” or “Pure Ingredients” doesn’t always make it so and I know it can be really confusing to try and figure out which ingredients are safe, so to make it a bit easier let me give you a piece of advice… make the conscious choice to buy Certified Organic wherever possible and remember that if you can’t pronounce it or you’re staring at a whole lot of numbers it’s probably not a natural or safe ingredient and I urge you to stay clear!
If you could give someone one piece of health advice what would it be?
In my opinion, one of the most important things you can do is to make sure that your gut health is optimal. I say this because your gut has a massive impact on so many areas of your health. It has an impact on the way you digest your food and absorb nutrients. It can affect your energy levels, hormones, sleep and brain function as well as so many other things in your body. If the balance of your gut bacteria isn’t right, then it can have an extremely negative impact on both your physical and mental health. The first thing I would recommend is to find out exactly what kind of bacteria you have living in your gut. It’s a good idea to ask your naturopath which test is the right one for you to do. If you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria you will want to sort that out quick smart! The easiest way to do this is by avoiding certain foods, like sugar for example and supporting the detoxification process with enemas or colonics. Once you’ve eliminated the “bad guys” you can start to populate your gut with the “good guys”. To do this I personally take a high-quality probiotic everyday, containing Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. I also include fermented foods in my diet and drink coconut kefir and kombucha. If our inner ecosystem isn’t thriving then neither will our health so make sure to eat fresh, wholefoods and choose organic whenever possible.
If you would love to know more about Kathryn, feel free to visit her social media platforms!
Instagram | @kathryn.chandler |
Website | www.kathrynchandler.com.au |
So inspiring 🙂 Beautiful, dedicated soul 🙂
Naw we are so glad you loved our chat with Kathryn, isn’t she gorgeous! -Em xx