Why Should You Double Cleanse? | The Divine Company

Have you heard of double cleansing?
Double cleansing is exactly how it sounds…cleansing twice! There is evidence that double cleansing at night time before bed time will make a world of difference to your skin! Before you call us crazy read more below about the benefits of double cleansing your skin…

double cleanse

So exactly what is double cleansing and why should you be doing it?

Double cleansing is cleansing twice, mainly at night time and using two different types of cleansers. For example, using the two cleansers we offer in our Divine Woman collection, would mean using a cream cleanser first and then cleansing again with a gel cleanser. The Hydrating Cream Cleanser would remove makeup, pollutants and and build up of toxins and then the Lactic Gel Cleanser would deeply cleanse your skin below the surface.

double cleanse

So why should you be double cleansing? By doing this you will really be giving your skin the ultimate cleanse and you will notice a change in the way your skin absorbs moisture. the first cleanse will remove makeup and environmental toxins rom the skins surface, while the second cleanse will really get in and deeply cleanse the layers of your skin. Double cleansing really allows serums and moisturisers to properly absorb into your skin, making sure you get the full benefits of these products! Most importantly double cleansing and properly removing make up and toxins from your skin can help slow the ageing process and who doesn’t love that!

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