In case you hadn’t realised, The Divine Company is fixated on love this February. But if you’re not one half of an intertwined love-sick duo, February can suck. Key word – it CAN. If you’re partnership inclined, instead of wallowing in loneliness or hating on all the lovebirds, perhaps the fabulous singles out there could take this time to do a little introspection and prepare that magnificent heart for something grandiose. Who better to consult for heart-healing by no other than.. a Love Doctor?
We interviewed Claire Kelly a.k.a The Love Doctor, and found out about her journey on becoming a healer across MANY modalities. She gives us some sound advice on how to heal DIY style and offers the chance to win a free intuitive healing session with her!
Can you tell us a bit about who you are and what you do?
My name is Claire Kelly and I am a yoga / meditation / “Love Doctor” and spiritual transformation coach based on the Gold Coast, Australia. I specialise in helping clients to release big emotional blocks or self-sabotaging behaviours that are getting in the way of them living their best life. Any belief or behavioural pattern that is causing deep pain and suffering, repeatedly – whether that is in love (or lack of) health, family, relationships in general or career. I conduct meditation nights, readings, physical trainings, healing sessions and teach various spiritual techniques and modalities to clients on how to work better with their intuition and learn how to be less stressed! My work now is really about helping others to release their own limitations they have on self to clear the Body Mind through my Lotus personal coaching program.
What different kinds of healing or therapy modalities do you do?
I am a qualified Psychosomatic Therapist (Body Mind), Shamanic Bodywork practitioner (Lomi Lomi), Theta Healer, registered 200hr Yoga Teacher and Mindfulness Meditation Facilitator. I also perform Past Life Regression, Pyschic Readings (I am especially known for my “love tarot”), Mediumship, Crystal Healing/ Balancing , Reiki and other techniques such as Emotional Freedom Techniques and I have studied Kinesiology-based trainings as well to help release stress from the body. Further physical training and spiritual studies are planned this year including completing my C.H.E.K Holistic Lifestyle Level one and Soul Retrieval training.
Now my work has taken on a life of it’s own and I blend a number of different modalities into a session as needed. I have recently created my own form of healing session – ‘Ku sessions’ which revolves solely around working with the subconscious mind which I am really excited about. These sessions combine powerful chants, ancient Hawaiian philosophy and guided visualisations with many of my other modalities and are really powerful to help clear deep-seated programs. Plus they are heaps of fun as they are different every time!
How did you get on to this path – how did this all unfold for you?
It really all started about 10 years ago when a ‘tradie’ friend of my long-term partner gave me a pack of love tarot cards. I started doing sessions for all of his tradie friends that morphed into ‘love assessments’. I gave out mini ‘love prescriptions’ which centred around advice or guidance to help them move forward in their love life and if they took it their love life got significantly better. If they didn’t take on their prescriptions – well, it was like not taking their medicine and symptoms worsened.
I started attending workshops with top Intuitive Healers and then it all just evolved from there. While playing on the FIVB (International beach volleyball tour) I had started learning a lot about emotions, how to manage my energy, prevent injury and I had also discovered Psychosomatic Therapy. When I came back from the FIVB I meditated three days in a row, asking the universe what I should do as I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go back to my career in marketing. I kept getting “Love Doctor, Love Doctor, Love Doctor” – I was like ‘What is Love Doctor?’. Then I saw visions of me doing the readings for the tradies! The next day, I ran a huge meditation group for ladies struggling with cancer, who all came up to me afterwards crying saying I had helped them to clear so much by holding space for them. After that moment, I just accepted I was a ‘Love Doctor’. I started working out of various healing spaces and studied as much as I could including my yoga level one and Psychosomatics and it’s all just progressed to this point.
What is the most common issues you see crop up for people and their patterns concerning love (of all kinds)?
One of the BIGGEST and undoubtedly saddest issues I see coming up for clients is either serious self-worth & self-love issues or their perceived fear of being hurt which then results in self-sabotage. Whether that is physically, emotionally or financially. Maybe they fear being cheated on, or lied to – they can’t trust the other person. This fear then results in them projecting their own fears onto the other person. If you have low self-esteem, maybe you don’t believe you deserve any better than what you already have. And of course, whatever you focus on becomes real for you. So you create a reality where you never truly see the other person for who they really are, just what you think they are. Or you stay in a relationship that is toxic where it’s codependent.
Can you provide some tips for our readers at home, daily things they can do?
1. One of the BEST things you can do for yourself, to bring in love or just be happier in general, is to do a physical work out. You don’t have to go crazy, just a light run or maybe a few squats or even a yoga class whenever you can. When we exercise, we process emotions a lot easier – the glutes and legs in particular are especially important to work out as they help you to move forward. They are connected to your base chakra, associated with your home life, incorporating family and relationships plus moving forward. I find if people aren’t working out regularly, they aren’t in their body enough, which then results in them driving themselves (and possibly their partner) a little mad with incessant thoughts about anything and everything. When you exercise you are more grounded, you can think clearer plus you feel better about yourself because you are looking after your body.
2. Food and what you put in + what your mind is feeding you is also of BIG importance – the Body Mind must be looked after! Diet and what you eat is vital – if you are putting junk into your body, how can you function at your best? Remember that toxic thoughts and negative beliefs can come from people around you. Always try and have positive, inspiring people in your life who believe in you, not those who may cut you down or insult you for whatever reason. Make sure you aren’t engaging in negative conversations about men, love, your body, whatever! Focus on who or what you want to be, and become the kind of person you would love to date!
3. I also recommend meditating daily & finding three things in your life to be grateful for every day. Even if it’s just 5 minutes a day, first thing when you wake up, focus on the blessings you have in your life. If you are single, be happy you have perhaps more time and freedom than someone who has children. If you have a job, be grateful you have money to pay your bills. People like to be around others who are happy , who are fun to be around. So many people get so connected to a victim mentality – their life is so hard, they are miserable – and that is not conducive to being in a [positive] relationship! It’s draining being around others who don’t see how good they have it. We are so blessed just to be alive and healthy. Be that person that everyone loves to be around by just being in a good space. It’s ok to get emotional and sad and feel the emotions, but don’t dwell on them. Just get off your butt and go do a workout!! hehe
Where can people find out more about you?
The best place to find our more about me is through my main website www.theleadersinlove.com. I share blogs, links to my radio show plus links to my other programs. You can sign up on my email list on the main page to stay connected to all the juicy things I like to write and talk about! I am also easily found on Snapchat (clk003) as well as Instagram @claire_l_kelly if you prefer those channels 🙂
If you would like to win a 30 minute online intuitive reading with the Love Doctor, please leave a comment below with one thing you are grateful for today!
The winner will be drawn Friday 26/02/16
~ xxx ~
My gorgeous daughter!
I’m grateful for the friends I have and the Smiles I receive from their kids.